What makes ECOLATERAL different
Future proofing the value of our homes
For too long the focus of accessibility and universal design in our homes has been on the needs of the 7 million Australians over the age of 50. Accessibility issues can hit anyone, of any age, at any time. Ironically it is not until we are presented with the challenge of restricted mobility that we come to realise how inadequate the average Australian home is in catering for a temporarily or permanently disabled person. In the near future this problem will become more acute.
Notwithstanding the remainder of the population, it is fair to ask, ‘what are we doing to cater for the 7 million people over 50 years of age who are empty nesters and soon to be retirees?’ Increasingly over the next twenty years they will choose to downsize their family homes for a variety of reason including; retirement, asset realisation and sickness. Our ageing population will, no doubt, continue to impact our housing market. Their choice of an alternate home may include a new or existing structure. But irrespective of what that choice is, they will all be looking for homes that meet their lifestyle needs, particularly their mobility.
Retrofitting a home to a universal design standard can be a very expensive undertaking, prompting people to seek out homes that already cater for easy modification. Surely we should be considering our new stock and its ability to meet these needs. As an investment, restricted access homes will become less and less attractive to the market as the needs of the population change. To a 25 year old first home buyer, the future return on investment is equally if not more important than the independence home ownership brings. We as an industry, should be promoting homes that have a long life and a loose fit to meet the functional and financial needs of future populations.
Liveable Homes Australia (LHA) is a not for profit organisation set up with the sole purpose of promoting the inclusion of universal design features to homes of all sizes and market segments. It has recently launched a national rating system that will recognise homes or units include design and construction features that will allow easy and cost effective conversion of the home if required. The rating can be Silver, Gold or Platinum level and is validated by an audit prior to awarding of certification. Ecolateral is an accredited auditor for LHA and will be encouraging the uptake of this important accreditation to meet the needs of future Australians and to increase the opportunities for a premium price to be realised at resale of an accredited home.
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